"Carry each other’s burdens" Gal 6, 2 - This is the focus in UMC Hungary this year. 20 persons were there at our national family camp at Bükkszék. When I returned to Alsozsolca, those who had stayed at home asked me: So, did you become stronger in the Lord?" And before I could answer, someone responded like this: " Lilla is always strong." Well, no, that is not true. I also need prayers, encouragement, that is the way to fulfill the law of Christ by carrying each other's burdens. If you are reading these words, stop and pray for me, if you feel like!
Elhatároztam, hogy tágra nyitom a szívem, hogy az is beleférjen, akinek más a bőrszíne és a kultúrája, mert Jézus is ezt tette. I have decided to open my heart wide that I may welcome people with a different colour or culture, because Jesus did the same.
2013. augusztus 21., szerda
Egymás terhét hordozzátok Gal 6, 2 - Ez egyházunk jeligéje. 20 zsolcai testvér vehetett részt az országos családi táborban. A táborból hazaérkezve azt kérdezték tőlem az itthon maradtak: Na, megerősödtél az Úrban? Meg sem várva válaszom, azt mondta valaki: 'Lillának nem kell megerősödni, ő mindig erős.' Ez tévhit, nekem is szükségem van imára, mások biztatására, egymás terhét hordozva töltjük be a Krisztus törvényét. Ha ezeket a sorokat olvasod, és az Úr indít, kérlek, imádkozz!
"Carry each other’s burdens" Gal 6, 2 - This is the focus in UMC Hungary this year. 20 persons were there at our national family camp at Bükkszék. When I returned to Alsozsolca, those who had stayed at home asked me: So, did you become stronger in the Lord?" And before I could answer, someone responded like this: " Lilla is always strong." Well, no, that is not true. I also need prayers, encouragement, that is the way to fulfill the law of Christ by carrying each other's burdens. If you are reading these words, stop and pray for me, if you feel like!
"Carry each other’s burdens" Gal 6, 2 - This is the focus in UMC Hungary this year. 20 persons were there at our national family camp at Bükkszék. When I returned to Alsozsolca, those who had stayed at home asked me: So, did you become stronger in the Lord?" And before I could answer, someone responded like this: " Lilla is always strong." Well, no, that is not true. I also need prayers, encouragement, that is the way to fulfill the law of Christ by carrying each other's burdens. If you are reading these words, stop and pray for me, if you feel like!
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